- できそうだけれども結局{けっきょく}のところできない、近くに見えながら実際{じっさい}には手が届かない
so near and yet so far 意味
- "so much of our resources had to be devoted to the war effort" 意味
- "so much so that" 意味
- "so much the better" 意味
- "so much walking wore holes in his shoes" 意味
- "so much want to see" 意味
- "so near copes" 意味
- "so not polite" 意味
- "so obese" 意味
- "so off base" 意味
- "so much walking wore holes in his shoes" 意味
- "so much want to see" 意味
- "so near copes" 意味
- "so not polite" 意味